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Growth is only meaningful when it is scaled by investment with a clear impact and public value.

Investment Thesis & Process

SRF Capital invests in fund managers with multidimensional approaches to improving (W)Health and Anchor Institutions that have track records or propensity to drive Impact in their communities. We form joint ventures with experienced operating partners who possess a robust local market knowledge and who believe in community ownership and building together. These investments are complemented with technical assistance and cross-sector partnerships to maximize human and community potential to produce resilient and thriving futures.

10 Drivers of Impact Alpha

Accessing Opportunities

Source deals through mission-aligned networks.

Uncover opportunities through deep market expertise.

Build values alignment with investees.

Creating Value

Leverage impact expertise to develop more effective businesses.

Enhance investee branding and storytelling.

Attract and retain manager and investee talent.

Unlock public and philanthropic capital.

Strengthening Outcomes

Promote discipline and efficiency in operations through impact accountability.

Establish credibility with impact-driven stakeholders.

Optimize social, environmental, and reputational risk management.

Investment Criteria

SRF Capital invests in funds and institutions that have Impact alpha investment theses that are:

  • Focused on driving multiple improvements in Health & Wellness;
  • Demonstrate an ability to create recurring revenue streams; and
  • Where possible, are positioned for distributive ownership models.
  • Investments must have defensible advantage(s) with an attractive sustainable growth profile and strategic competitive differentiation.

Focus Industries and Geographies

SRF Capital seeks opportunities that affect the social determinants of (W)Health, including health and healthcare infrastructure, health and healthcare technology transfer and commercialization, on- and near-campus investments, healthy housing and green infrastructure. We build these investments across private markets that support the creation of just economies by investing into highly capable, but thinly capitalized individuals and institutions so that all communities might have an opportunity to thrive in place. Special attention is focused in the American and Global South, including the American Southeast and Rustbelt regions, recognizing that these are the regions that built the United States.

Defining Success

SRF Capital employs an ecosystem-level capital strategy that strengthens and promotes the entrepreneurs, leaders and institutions that have long been dedicated to building health and wealth in their communities.